Dealing with Expense Report Reimbursement Problems

Dealing with Expense Report Reimbursement Problems


Travel expenses are, for many organizations, their second largest controllable expense. This is just one of the reasons why every organization must have a strong policy that governs these expenditures. That being said, the number of problems that continue to plague many companies when it comes to expense reimbursements defies logic. There has to be a better way.

In this course, industry expert Mary Schaeffer takes a look at some of the more common problems experienced by companies related to employees, and expense reimbursement requests. She not only identifies the issues, but offers solutions on how best-practice companies minimize these problems and, in some cases, eliminate them.

Learning Objectives
  • Create processes for dealing with illegible receipts
  • Develop a policy for dealing with reimbursement requests for items not covered in the policy
  • Identify strategies for dealing with managers who take too long to approve employees’ expense reimbursement requests
  • Create practices to deal with conflicts around the reimbursement process
  • Pinpoint areas employees are most likely to cheat on their expense reports


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Advanced Preparation

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SKU: MS-106.23|Credits:1|Accounting|eBook|Mary Schaeffer Category: Tags: , ,