Auditing – Fraud Investigating

Auditing – Fraud Investigating


In every audit, the auditor is required to specifically assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements due to fraud. Fraud auditing is a course that examines the types of fraud considered by auditors when auditing financial statements: fraudulent financial reporting and misappropriations of assets.

This course describes the way auditors gather information to assess fraud risk in every audit and develop appropriate responses to identified fraud risks, after considering the effectiveness of management’s antifraud programs and controls. This course focuses on the typical fraud techniques and highlights areas that are subject to greater risk of fraud. Once the auditor suspects fraud, it is their responsibility to gather additional evidence, often through inquiry. This course also describes the auditors responsible for making certain communications about suspected or detected fraud to senior management and the audit committee.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the three types of fraud.
  • Identify the SAS that provides guidance to auditors in assessing the risk of fraud
  • Recognize the three elements identified by the AICPA to prevent, deter, and detect fraud.
  • Recognize who is responsible for identifying and measuring fraud risks and taking steps to mitigate identified risks.
  • Identify the procedures to address the risk of management overriding internal controls that are otherwise operating effectively.
  • Recognize the characteristics of different types of fraud.


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Field of Study

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Course Author

Knowledge Level

Advanced Preparation

Program Prerequisites

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Who Should Attend
SKU: AC-104.23|Credits: 2|Auditing|eBook|Andrew Clark Category: Tags: , ,