Case studies from the trenches

Case studies from the trenches


Description:    This seminar examines recent events
involving the theft of company or public money and the circumstances that
allowed the fraud to occur.  We will be
looking at a variety of case studies to illustrate these points.  This course is ideal for CPAs, government
finance personnel, all Internal Auditors, lawyers, governance professionals,
accountants and human resource personnel.


· Reasons why
fraud occurs.

· Case studies of
situations where embezzlement occurred.

· Red flags indicating
that an organization is at risk of defalcation.

· Steps to
prevent fraud.

Learning objectives:  By
the end of this course, the participant should be able to:

1. Understand the factors that create an
environment for fraud to easily occur.

2. Identify areas where there could be an
inadvertent failure to separate duties.

3. Ascertain the proper role of an external
auditor and identify areas where independence can be compromised.


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Advanced Preparation

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Delivery Method

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Published Date

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SKU: AM-117.23|Credits: 2| Accounting/Fraud|Webinar|Allison McLeod Category: Tag: